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Family Bucket List for Spring:

After a long break of winter, we are itching to be outside and enjoy some family fun in the sunshine! Even though our winters here in Tennessee aren’t as bad as in some places, by March, we all have a serious case of the…

Trouble with the Girls (aka Breastfeeding Problems and solutions)

*This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a small compensation with no additional cost to you. **Disclaimer: MEN, you may want to shield your eyes! Graphic pictures and content of breasts doing what the girls were made to do…feed babies! After nursing 7…

Homemade Breakfast Pizza (For you not so morning people)

I am NOT a morning person. I’m not mean or cranky, I just don’t want to talk or think, first thing in the morning. I’m also not one of those people who can jump out of bed and start the day. It’s more of…

Ribbons, Rides, and Rednecks-It’s Fair Season!

It’s fair season and it’s safe to say our redneck family loves a good fair. My husband goes for the turkey legs, the kids go for the pig races, and I go for the crafts and livestock. It’s an eclectic mix of agriculture, art…

Mullein Tea-an Herbal Remedy for Coughs

*This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a small compensation with no additional cost to you. I ❤️ mullein. I really do. It’s versitile, literally every part of the plant can be used for something different, and it can be found practically everywhere…

Cheap and Easy outings with kids

We don’t take too many trips or vacations. There are several reasons, but at this phase in our life, it’s just not happening. So, what do you do to fill all that time with your kids? Especially in the summer? Especially if you homeschool…

Any Kind of Cobbler

We are a family of fruit lovers! We especially love to pick our own, and spend lots of our time in the Spring/Summer doing just that! We started this tradition so my daughter could make homemade jam for a little extra money at our…

I Don’t See How You Do it?! How I manage 7 kids

When people find out we have 7 children that are very close in age, they are quick to say, “I don’t see how you do it!” I have heard that more times than I can count! For years people have said that to me…

Nature’s Best Earache Oil

You remember my son with the cough? He’s my different one. Not in a bad way, just different. The only brown eyed child we have, sensitive skin, thoughtful, behaves like a 60 year old man. Seriously, if you close you eyes, you could swear…

Oh, you are one of “those” people…why we chose homeschooling for our family.

We will soon be starting our 7th year of homeschool. Sometimes it’s crazy to say that out loud, considering we never intended to. We didn’t set out to be a homeschool family. I mean, they are all unsocial, awkward, weirdos, right? That’s what I…