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Cheap and Easy outings with kids

We don’t take too many trips or vacations. There are several reasons, but at this phase in our life, it’s just not happening. So, what do you do to fill all that time with your kids? Especially in the summer? Especially if you homeschool…

I Don’t See How You Do it?! How I manage 7 kids

When people find out we have 7 children that are very close in age, they are quick to say, “I don’t see how you do it!” I have heard that more times than I can count! For years people have said that to me…

Oh, you are one of “those” people…why we chose homeschooling for our family.

We will soon be starting our 7th year of homeschool. Sometimes it’s crazy to say that out loud, considering we never intended to. We didn’t set out to be a homeschool family. I mean, they are all unsocial, awkward, weirdos, right? That’s what I…

I Don’t Buy Organic Food, and That Doesn’t Make Me a Bad Mom.

As a mom, the majority of the grocery shopping and cooking responsibilities fall to me. We all want what’s best for our kids and families, but seriously, do we need more stress? Sometimes just grocery shopping can feel so overwhelming with all the information…